Monday 16 December 2013



salam wrt wbt & hi!

i used to think i have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) but my sister said it is OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder). so what is it actually?

OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry; by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety; or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsion. (wikipedia)

OCPD is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. (wikipedia)

wondering why i'm telling you this? haha. well, as most of you might already know, i'm having trouble with the calculation and pricing. as an OCPD person, it's not easy for me to do it as in make everything standardized. because i calculate everything and i mean EVERYTHING everytime and i do mean EVERYTIME there's an order.

i wrote about this before in the previous entry. you might want to read these :

during a recent event, i was actually stressed with the situation which is contrast with what i am and i almost cried about it. it happened a few times actually. i thought my condition is understandable (is this a word?) but apparently it is not. it is a disease but some just think i'm just being silly and stubborn. =(

i'm trying so hard to make it fair for everyone that's why it is seriously never easy for me to just do it as they say. this is how i work. i never meant to make it hard for anyone. even after 500 orders, there is still no standard price. that's why there's always +/- in the pricing.

i'm selling from home so i don't see why it is a problem. i'm not even putting a price tag on anything. yes, i know it's an extra work for me and some may think it is a waste of time. but it actually helps me to remember every price of the ingredients i bought while calculating. it also helps in terms of comparing it when i buy those stuffs in other grocery store.

so until i have my own bakery, or find someone who can do the maths for me, haha, i think i'll stick to this so called crazy method. haha. i hope i won't write about this anymore. a very stressful topic for me. huhu. 4 entries is enough i think. heh.

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